viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Grand Rapids Griffins give you POV experience of a flying t-shirt (VIDEO)

If you're reading this, then it's likely you've stood up at a hockey game during intermission and drunkenly screamed your head off as your team's "ice patrol", "gameday crew" or Ice Girls spent the down time shooting t-shirts into the crowd. (If you weren't one of those trying to get a shirt, you were probably wondering why all these fans made more noise for cheap piece of cloth than during the actual game.)

But what is it like on the other end of that situation? What is it like to be the t-shirt flying out of the cannon and into the crowd? The AHL's Grand Rapids Griffins, with the help of a GoPro camera, answered that question:

(Not captured: the fistfight that breaks out over the $3 shirt.)

There's almost a sense of grace as the shirt flies through the air like a, well, mythical griffin.

The Griffins, you'll recall, have done this sort of thing before. Using a GoPro camera they slapped one on top of the helmet of a human hockey puck and also used one in practice on a goalie, skater and gave us the unique Stick-Cam perspective.

Since the team took us up on the t-shirt cannon offer we put out there last time, let's see them try one with a linesman breaking up a fight. Or, as we suggested last time, a linesman shot from a cannon.

Stick-tap Ryan Gajewski

Follow Sean Leahy on Twitter at @Sean_Leahy

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